Bernie Sanders..?

Is this a religion (Sisters and Brothers) just thought the terminology was interesting. In the fundraiser this morn.

Bernie Sanders for President

Sisters and Brothers,

During the debate tonight, I was asked if corporations would like President Sanders. I think it’s safe to say they won’t. Wall Street will like me even less.

That’s because our country has a rigged economy held in place by a corrupt system of campaign finance, and we must put an end to that.

I can’t take on the billionaire class alone. I need you to stand with me tonight. So I am asking you directly:

Make a $3 contribution to our political revolution that will win the Democratic nomination, the White House, and take back our country from the billionaire class.

I’m running for president because the middle class is disappearing and more than half of new income is going to the top 1 percent.

I’m running for president because it is harder than ever for students to pay for college and for working parents to afford daycare.

I’m running for president because a handful of billionaires and wealthy families are trying to buy elections just to make themselves richer.

We can’t rely on the political establishment to do the work for us. We can’t rely on the corporate-owned media to get out our message about it. We need a political revolution to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and we need to build that ourselves.

Make a $3 contribution to our campaign to send a message to Wall Street and the rest of the billionaire class that you want to see a President Sanders.

We are doing something unprecedented, and that has a lot of people scared. I am glad to have you on our side.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

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